What is quercetin and why it can be used as an antiviral ingredient
why quercetin can be used as an antiviral ingredient
A study published in 2007 funded by the U.S. Department of Defense found that after experiencing extreme physical stress, quercetin reduces the risk of contracting viruses and improves your mental performance that might otherwise disrupt your immune function, leaving you more vulnerable to disease.
In the study, scientists have compared with the athletes with and without taken the quercetin, and they found that the cyclists who have taken 1,000 milligrams of quercetin a day for five weeks, along with vitamin C (which boosts plasma quercetin levels) and niacin (which boosts absorption) were significantly less likely to contract a viral illness after cycling for three hours a day for three days. Forty-five percent of people in the placebo group got sick, compared with five percent in the treatment group.
So at present, quercetin is mainly used in clinical treatment of chronic bronchitis and other diseases, and also has an adjuvant treatment effect on patients with coronary heart disease and hypertension.